PAScribe Calligraphy Practise and Correspondence Pad (GREY)
PAScribe was founded by Paul Antonio as the social media brand for Paul Antonio Scribe. Paul trained as Scribe, Gilder and Heraldic Artist. He went on to study Archaeological Illustration with a specialism in Ancient Writing Systems. “Beautiful writing comes more easily on paper which helps you to express yourself. I specifically chose these Clairefontaine papers because of how the nibs and inks interacted with them”.
Scan the QR code to access useful tips on how to effectively use your Rhodia PAScribe pad. This double-surface paper is ideal for calligraphy and is perfect with all inks.
Horizontal 6mm black lined ruling on both sides. Line thickness 0.1pt. Head stapled notepad, Maya Grey 120gsm. Acid free with pH neutral. Vegan friendly.
60 detachable, A4+ size (210mm x 318mm) microperforated portrait sheets.